Friday, May 16, 2008

Baba Booey!!

I did this for my friend Steven.


  1. Oh my...
    (Stern fans will know what I mean)
    Awesome piece!

  2. haha! neat Stern design!


  3. you have amazing illustration!Great blog!

  4. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Love it! And also love the Stern show. Such rich characters and all ripe for good caricature too.

    Was good catchin up with ya recently. Lookin forward to hangin at comic con.

  5. Your artwork is incredible!

  6. it is so static-o yet dynamic-o! ~o_O~
    btw, nice seeing ya at the animation book thingy~ =D

    ja mata~
    danni s l

  7. Wow! I love yer style man, very fun stuff. Thanks for chatting, had a great time. We'll have to talk about some more filthy shit next we have a chance to sit and grab a bite.

  8. SWEET!!! great style!

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