Come by our booth at San Diego Comic Con, and check out our three "One of a kind" custom paint variations of our Whaleboy sculpt. These are resin molds that were made for our upcoming vinyl toy. Ed Acosta came up with his "Blingboy". I came up with my "Gimpboy" and we are waiting to see what Taesoo Kim comes up with.
These three pieces will be for sale, at an unamed price. Make us an offer we can't refuse. We will be at Table G3. See ya.
I like gimp boy!
Both versions are hilarious. The 8-ball eye is off the hook...
those are great!!!!
SO wait... no real whale boy for purchase at the con??? It's been the number on thing on my con list for like 9 months! Tell me you'll have them!
Cant wait to see your stuff in person Patrick! Hope you stop by our booth too! (I am sure you will come by to at least say whats up to Justin) The Those Guys booth #1132
Hahahaha, these are sicccc, my man! I'll be by to pick up some goodies from you guys (and to catch up w/ you for a bit... feels like ages already!)
Just got the Hard 8 books back today, we'll be at Booth 1032 (just flip-side of The Those Guys) so swing by and holla @ the kid!
PS. I LOVE the 8-ball. But like Gary, I've been so anxiously awaiting 'Con so I could buy the toy... sniff.
sweet! cant wait to check em out. i aint too far at table D6. see ya there.
no worries. i won't be able to make it out to the san diego con, but i am more than willing to rendevous for a shirt or pay postage. whichever one you prefer.
Have a great time man, wish I could be there!
COOOLIO!! Will check it out!
Haha those are great, his face is even more hilarious. Good luck at the Con!
NICE!! - i gotta get me one of those
Hey man, saw ya at ComicCon, you have awesome work .. i especially loved the S&M version of whale boy! lol
please check my blog out when ya get a chance.. would love the crit!
I can't wait to get a whale boy. Excited to here about Con..
Hey Patrick,
It was great to meet you in person at the Con. Your new sketchbook is great, man. Take care and hope to see ya again soon...
Patrick Patrick Patrick. What an absolute treat to meet you. Next time we'll definitely have to hang out and go for some drinks.
Hey Patrick! yeah it's a bummer that we missed you guys that night! but it was deffinately awesome to meet such a cool guy and talent as yourself! see you next year!! --the book is hilarious! i really enjoy it :)
Haha, I like the 8-ball eye. Goth version is great!
I friggin love these man!!!!
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